Manufacturer of complete workholding solutions
When launching our automation system for machine tools back in 2007 we have been the first workholding manufacturer who was able to supply a coherent turnkey solution for 5-axis machining centres. In the meantime we gained substantial experience in the interplay of workholding (positive lock clamping technology, centring vices), zero point clamping and automation. As a manufacturer of patented high quality workholding solutions for the metal-working industry, attributes as profitability and economic efficiency are of utmost importance for our own production.
Sophisticated workholding solutions due to long term experience
All clamping and automation products which we offer our customers are also applied in our own production facilities. The experience we gain from this practical use are an important factor for our products’ permanent development and continuous improvement.
Workholding “Made in Germany”
True to the slogan “Made in Germany” we are producing our workholding and automation systems solely in Germany. Hence we are dependent on rational machining processes and systems in order to adhere our international competitiveness. However this rationalisation doesn’t mean job cuts for us – in fact our aim is to reduce non-productive set-up time.
Nowadays every producing business is reliant on reducing unit costs. Here we would like to contribute with our innovative workholding solutions to optimise your manufacturing processes. The reduction of set-up time is here just as important as the high quality standard of your manufactured parts.

Do you have difficulty holding Large Blocks, Mould Places etc in place ?
Then Lang Workholding has an off the shelf flexible solution Ready for you !
The new Makro Grip Ultra Available from Langworkholding